Australia is set to trial a new model of primary health care based on the successful “Health Care Homes” programs in Canada and the United States. Australia’s version of the Health Care Homes scheme was proposed in broad terms in December 2015 by the Primary Health Care Advisory Group, in its Better Outcomes for People with Chronic and Complex Health Conditions report.  Key elements of the proposed scheme included:


On May 4, 2016, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) signed a “systems recognition arrangement” with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and Health Canada recognizing the comparability of the U.S. and Canadian food safety systems. This is only the second time that the FDA has recognized a foreign food safety system as comparable, with the only other recognized system being New Zealand signed in 2012. However, similar systems recognition arrangements are underway between the FDA and Australia and the European Commission.


On 25 April 2015, the Minister for Health announced a review of the Guidelines (Guidelines) for Preparing Submissions to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC), the body that recommends which products should be reimbursed by Government, and for how much.  The Minister said the review sought to ensure that the PBAC Guidelines are “consistent and transparent, while incorporating international best practice and removing any unnecessary regulatory burden on the pharmaceutical industry”.  The review is being carried out by Adelaide Health Technology Assessment (AHTA) in conjunction with PBAC.

Our newly released guide shares the top ten things to know about tapping into China’s medical devices industry.  The guide provides an overview of the regulatory regime for medical devices in China and the top issues that foreign investors and manufacturers should consider when entering the China market.