On November 14, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-UT) released the Chairman’s Mark to the Senate version of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Hatch’s version of the tax plan effectively repeals the Affordable Care Act (ACA) individual mandate
Congressional Budget Office
Federal judge rejects preliminary injunction mandating ACA cost-sharing reduction payments; CBO estimates $3.8 billion deficit reduction from bipartisan ACA bill
On Wednesday, October 25, Judge Vince Chhabria, federal district court in San Francisco, rejected a request for a preliminary injunction by 18 states and the District of Columbia to compel the Trump Administration to continue to pay cost-sharing reduction (CSR) …
President Trump announces end of cost-sharing reduction payments to insurers; President signs executive order promoting association health plans
On October 12, President Trump announced in a filing by the Department of Justice in the ongoing litigation challenging the cost-sharing reduction (CSR) payments that such payments will no longer be made to insurers. CSR payments help offset deductibles and…
US Senators Graham and Cassidy revise Affordable Care Act repeal legislation prior to Finance Committee hearing; AHA requests CMS guidance on hospital co-location and shared space arrangements
On Sunday evening, September 24, U.S. Senators Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) and Bill Cassidy (R-Louisiana) released a revised version of their Affordable Care Act (ACA) repeal legislation in advance of the Senate Finance Committee hearing scheduled for Monday, September 25,…
CMS clarifies when hospitals are primarily engaged in inpatient care; U.S. Republican Senators introduce ACA repeal legislation while Democrats promote Medicare for all
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) recently issued Survey and Certification Letter 17-44, clarifying what it means for a facility to be “primarily engaged” in inpatient care for purposes of meeting the definition of a hospital and…
CBO releases report on effects of terminating ACA cost-sharing reduction payments; CMS proposes to end two incentive payment models
On August 15, the Congressional Budget Office (“CBO”) released a report on the effects of terminating payments to insurers for cost-sharing reductions under the Affordable Care Act (“ACA”) in 2017. The CBO estimated that by 2018, insurance premiums for silver…
Senate delays vote on health care bill; CMS issues OPPS and physician fee schedule proposed rules; House subcommittee to hold hearing on 340B drug pricing program
As reported last week , on Thursday U.S. Senate Republican leadership released their latest version of the “Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017.” The Congressional Budget Office score of the revised bill was expected today, with Senator Majority Leader Mitch…
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell continues work on Senate health care reform legislation; CMS delays changes to home health agency conditions of participation.
The U.S. Congress was not in session last week, but Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) continued to work on the Senate Republican health care reform legislation. Senator McConnell proposed: (i) adding $45 billion to the bill to combat the…
Senate Republicans unveil health care reform bill; CMS proposes updates to the Quality Payment Program
On June 22, U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell unveiled the draft Senate health care reform bill, the Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017. Earlier today, Senate Republican leadership released a new discussion draft. As of this afternoon,…
U.S. Senate Republican leadership releases draft text of health care reform legislation entitled “Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017”
This morning U.S. Senate Republican leadership released a 142-page “Discussion Draft” of the Senate health care reform legislation entitled “Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017.”
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell reportedly is pushing for a vote as soon as next…