On January 11, 2018, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) sent a letter to State Medicaid Directors that signaled their support of section 1115 demonstration projects that include work or community engagement requirements, as previously summarized in the
Medicaid expansion
Coalition of conservative groups release outline of plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act
On June 19, the Health Policy Consensus Group, a coalition of conservative groups including the Heritage Foundation, the Galen Institute and the Hoover Institution, released an outline of a new proposal to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA). …
Virginia to expand Medicaid in January 2019; Utah will vote on Medicaid expansion this November

Virginia is expected to become the 33rd state (plus the District of Columbia) to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) following the passage of a budget by the Virginia legislature. The expansion will take effect on January 1, …
Maine court hears argument on Medicaid expansion

Senate Republicans unveil health care reform bill; CMS proposes updates to the Quality Payment Program
On June 22, U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell unveiled the draft Senate health care reform bill, the Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017. Earlier today, Senate Republican leadership released a new discussion draft. As of this afternoon,…
Senate Republicans consider options for ending Medicaid expansion, projected insurer participation in 2018 health insurance exchanges; MedPAC report to Congress
Republican Senators previously appointed by Senate GOP leadership reportedly are continuing to draft Senate health care legislation to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA) without any scheduled committee hearings on the bill. While the text of the Senate…
Republican Senators continue work on health care reform legislation while another insurer withdraws from a state ACA marketplace; U.S. Senate and House of Representatives committees hold hearings this week on the cost of prescription drugs and funding for safety net health programs
Last Tuesday, Senior Republican leadership in the Senate held a closed-door briefing for Republican Senate members regarding Senate health care reform legislation. Senior Republican leadership reportedly indicated that they favor the retention of guaranteed protections for individuals with preexisting conditions,…
House narrowly passes American Health Care Act; Republican Senators signal they will draft a health care bill from scratch

Following a series of thwarted efforts and delays, on May 4, 2017, the U.S. House of Representatives passed by a narrow margin of 217-213 the American Health Care Act of 2017 (H.R. 1628) (AHCA), a plan to repeal…
Trump Administration and Republican Congressional leadership shift focus following non-vote on ACA repeal and replace legislation; States push for Medicaid expansion

Republican Congressional leadership quickly reprioritized and refocused their efforts following the Trump Administration and House Republican leadership’s failure to secure enough votes for full House passage of the American Health Care Act (“AHCA”), the bill intended to repeal and replace…
News from DC – GOP’s Draft Bill Illuminates Efforts to Repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA)
While Congress was in recess last week, members met with constituents at home. For those senators and representatives who held town hall meetings, the ACA repeal and replace effort was the hot topic. Many constituents expressed concerns about loss of…